Moving blog subscription from Google Reader to Bloglovin ♥

Google Reader and GFC are no longer in use from 1st July. This means any blogs you're currently following will be lost after this date! I was in a bit of a panic as I don't want to miss out on all the blogs I follow and if they all were deleted I may not be able to remember all the addresses to find them again!

There is a simple way to continue following the blogs you love, and I hope that you will want to continue following mine too! Bloglovin enables you to follow blogs and link your own blog to it too. Once you've signed up (if you haven't already), you can go to this page and transfer all of your Google Reader feeds into your bloglovin account! Easy peasy!

I was really relieved to find this nifty trick and it took no time at all. Hopefully see you all in Bloglovin on 1st July :-)

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