Wedding Sweet Cart DIY ♥

I really wanted a sweet cart or sweetie table at my wedding, so when I found out that my venue hired out a white wooden old fashioned style cart for only £25 I was over the moon! They offered a sweets package but I wanted to decorate and source all the jars and sweets myself to save some money. I can't tell you how popular the sweet cart was! I thought we had bought too many sweets, but they were demolished so quickly! I had wedding favours already but I thought a little bag of sweets would be a nice touch, and it also made a pretty backdrop to go with my vintage theme.

I found all the old fashioned sweetie jars and containers from second hand shops and I also bought some from Matalan for only £3 each which is a bargain! I got the scoops, tongs and pretty striped paper bags from ebay, for no more than a tenner altogether. The cute 'Mr & Mrs' sign my Mum found but I'm afraid I'm not sure where she got it! I also put some fresh spray roses in a cute glass vase from The Range that had a lace bow and hanging heart. As a final touch for the decoration I hung paper bunting from Paper Themes.

The sweets we picked up from various stores (supermarkets, 99p store, M&S etc!). I wanted lots of pale, pastel coloured sweets so I went for mini eggs, marshmallows, milk bottles, party rings, iced gems, flying saucers, chocolate jazzles, bananas & shrimps, choc eggs, love hearts and bon bons! Phewf. It was a lot of sweets...hence why I thought it was too much! I guess my friends and family have a sweet tooth!

It was a great focal point and all the kids loved it. If the venue hadn't of had the sweet cart I would have recreated this on a table with a pretty tablecloth and it would look just as good! It didn't cost us much at all to put together and it's a nice way to keep your guests entertained or use the bags of sweets as wedding favours. Everyone loves sweeties!

Have you been to a wedding with a sweet cart/table?



  1. This is awesome! I'd love to have something like this, it would be perfect for an outdoorsy summer wedding, or even just a party maybe? The sweets and bunting make it look so colourful!
    Claire @

  2. This is adorable! My boyfriend's sister's wedding had one of these! It was so popular :) xx

  3. Such a cute idea! I've never been to a wedding with one, but I'm definitely pinning this to my "future wedding" Pinterest board! Your blog is amazing, following on GFC (:

    xo, Britnee

  4. Your Blog is amazing!!! I love your photos and your design

    would be amazing if you would check out my blog

    thank you so much

    have a lovely day

  5. This is so cute! And I love the jars with all the treats in.. party rings are amazing! x

  6. love it
    lovely blog!
    Come in my blog ♥

  7. How cute! I want that in my living room let alone my wedding!

    Natalie xo

    Petal Poppet Blogs ♥


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