Movember Mug

It's that time again when all the fellas discard their Gillette Mach 3's and embrace a hairy way of life in order to raise money for charity! It's Movember, and I love to see the weird and wonderful moustaches that appear by the end of the month, whether they are big and bushy, or a bit sparse and pathetic!

It's a blessing that us girls can't take part in Movember - no girl wants to be sporting facial fuzz! However I am sponsoring several friends to grow their mo and so am happy I can do my bit! I also love all the moustache merchandise you can get these days - necklaces, hair clips, cushions, and loads more. The mo is definitely around to stay.

I saw a really cute moustache mug on etsy, but was reluctant to spend the £10-£15 they were charging, as I thought this was a little pricey! Recently I stumbled upon this diy tutorial by A Beautiful Mess, on how to do a diy mug using a sharpie

You simply draw on your mug with a sharpie and bake in the oven for 30mins at 350 degrees. I picked up a cheap plain mug from the 99p store which was actually 59p, and I already a sharpie pen. I drew on my moustache design and then popped it in the oven.

Here I am with the finished result. The moustache is a bit wonky but I like it's crooked charm!  After it cooled down I tested it by washing it up with a kitchen sponge and  the drawing didn't rub off! I'm excited now to try all sorts of designs, and not just on mugs. You can try this on any ceramic - plates, bowls, teapots etc! It's a great idea for personalised gifts. I might make some for Christmas.

Happy Movember


  1. Omg this is such a great idea. I'm totally going to do this now. Thanks for the great post!

    1. Thanks so much! It's so easy to do! I'd love to see what you make :) x

  2. looove the stache :)


  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Karolina! Just had a look at your blog, great photos :) x

  4. This is so cute! Great gift idea. I wonder if it keeps up well after washing. But I guess if it didn't you could always make something else :)

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Washed it up for second time last night and still looking good as new! Hope you're having a lovely sunday x


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